Sarah Lasky

Sarah Lasky

Sarah Lasky

Career Services Coordinator | Woz U

I was born in Wisconsin, where I spent 20 years freezing, before escaping to sunny Arizona. I then completed my Bachelor of Science in Communication from Arizona State University while juggling full time employment. I spent most of my twenties working for Marketing and Sales firms and loved learning the psychology of the industry. It was there that I became even more interested in how businesses operate from the inside out. I found the recruiting and employee retention aspect of business interesting and rewarding, so decided to switch to HR and Recruiting full time. I spent several years in Staffing and then Talent Acquisition. This is where I learned the importance of soft skills in the interview process. Despite the skillset or the industry in which I was recruiting for, everything always boiled down to the same thing: Companies hire people, not just the skill set. As a Career Services Coordinator with Woz-U, I’m very passionate about matching each individual with the right company and preparing our graduates for the interview process. I’m also thrilled to be a part of the Tech world and get a glimpse into the future.
