State Deputy of the State of Amazonas | Progressive Party - PP
Mayara Monique Figueiredo Pinheiro Reis, also known as Dr. Mayara, is from
Amazonas and a wife, mother and medical doctor specialized in dermatology by
Alfredo da Matta Foundation (FUAM). She made history as the most voted female
State Deputy in Amazonas.
In 2016 she was elected Deputy Mayor of the town of Coari (AM), with the highest vote
in the town's history (21,360 votes). When she took on the role, the town was in debt,
with back wages, alarming rates of violence, unemployment, poor health and a
wrecked infrastructure.
In her first year in office, infrastructure projects were resumed, creating new jobs;
students from the public system were once again able to receive uniforms and school
materials for free; schools and classrooms were fully renovated and equipped.
In that same year, the Coari teachers were the only ones in Brazil to receive not only
their federally-mandated bonuses, but also an additional four types of gratification from
the mayoral office. All city workers and suppliers once again received their payments
on time; the local hospital was completely renovated and equipped; more than 40
doctors were hired, including specialists from various areas. All local Basic Health Units
– UBSs – were reactivated and equipped, and Fluvial UBSs were built to, in a
pioneering way, bring healthcare access to Coari citizens residing in areas accessible
only through the Amazon river. In just six months, the Fluvial UBSs reached more than
thirteen thousand people. In that first year, Coari also became the 3 rd municipality to
invest the most in healthcare in the State of Amazonas.
This outstanding performance caused the Progressive Party (PP) to challenge the
doctor to run for State Deputy in order to defend, in the State Legislative Assembly, the
demands of the rural municipalities and the poorest areas of Manaus, focusing on
healthcare and management. Mayara was elected with 50,819 votes (the highest of
that election cycle) and became the most voted female candidate in the history of the
State of Amazonas.