Terrence L. McWilliams

Terrence L. McWilliams

Terrence L. McWilliams

Who are the people that see themselves as leaders and why do they

My name is Terrence L. McWilliams and for nearly twenty years, I‘ve been responsible for personnel training and development for companies that specialize in Subsurface Utility Engineering or SUE, and this is the question that motivates me above all others

As I traveled the country, it became abundantly clear that so many of us possess the habits and traits of leadership and yet often dont identify ourselves as leaders. Could it be that we as a society only hold up the mega-successful as examples of what leadership looks like and in the process discourage the rest of us from daring to say we belong to this seemingly elite group

To change this my wife Sandra and I decided to take our years of training and management experience and create platforms that challenge conventional norms for who gets to say, Yes, I am a leader! With our website Pen Street Journal and companion podcast, CEO Material, this is what we will do with your help. Contact us at terrence.mcwilliams@ceomaterialllc.com and editor@penstreetjournal.com so we all can tell our stories