Nancy Halpern

Nancy Halpern

Nancy Halpern

Founder | Political IQ

Nancy Halpern is a nationally recognized leadership consultant and pioneer in the field of talent development who diagnoses political dysfunction in organizations. Leveraging thought leadership and intellectual capital from over twenty years of client engagements, Nancy helps companies find solutions to the most intractable of problems – office politics. Her client list, cutting across industries and functions, reflects her adaptability and love of business. She has worked domestically and internationally for The World Bank, Credit Suisse, Disney, Bank of America, Guardian and Novartis, among many others. Nancy has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., The Financial Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Huffington Post, National Public Radio, ABC and NBC News. She holds an MBA from Yale University, BA from Brandeis University and additional undergraduate study from Oxford, Great Britain.