Mariana Carvalho

Mariana Carvalho

Mariana Carvalho

Co Founder | Brazilians in Tech

Mariana Carvalho holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from ESPM-SP, a MBA in
Competitive Intelligence from ESPM-Rio, and a Masters Degree in Computer Science from
Jackson State University, US. Mariana is the CoFounder of Brazilians in Tech, the first Brazilian
platform to gather all the relevant information, such as professional development opportunities,
scholarships, events, and projects, to help women and girls in Brazil to thrive and succeed in
their careers in STEM. Mariana is an ABI Pass It On Award 2018, has received more than 10
scholarships to attend different conferences for women in technology, and has a vast experience
mentoring girls that want to start their career in Technology.