Lizet Zayas

Lizet Zayas

Lizet Zayas

Lizet Zayas is the founder of Successfuly, business startup advisor, philanthropist, speaker, and passionate for creative business strategies, and product innovation.

Lizet founded Successfuly in 2018 and started with the intention to bring an authentic space for celebrity entrepreneurs such TED X Speakers, Award winners, (real) Best-sellers among others from all over the world so they could be a resource for starting entrepreneurs who want to skip the years of making costly mistakes. With Successfuly, Lizet brings accelerator programs based on strategy, detailed conversations of goals, real marketing metrics, and planning strategies as opposed to faux systems that try to monetize by selling dreams and fantasies or ‘fake it till you make it’ shortcuts to clients in America, Latin America, and Europe and her programs are multi-lingual in English, Spanish and French.

Lizet works with clients and other businesses and partnerships from major cities such as New York City, London, Paris, Madrid, Los Angeles, Berlin, and Mexico City and her focus is to build partnerships on all fronts to make a difference and a lasting positive impact to people. Lizet thrives by working one on one with people, listening to their goals, sharing their passions, providing value, and creating a relationship with each of them.

With Successfuly Lizet is committed to working on philanthropist projects as part of her success to make a positive impact on the world.Â