Lisa Blackwell

Lisa Blackwell

Lisa Blackwell

Real Estate Advisor | Author, "100 Cents On The Dollar"

Lisa Blackwell is a Real Estate advisor focusing on women earners and author of the upcoming book, 100 Cents On The Dollar. Lisa Blackwell has distinguished herself as the master in leveraging real estate assets for legacy wealth and as an advocate for new and seasoned women real estate developers and investors.

Having built her real estate practice on principles of collaboration, appreciation, reputation, and relationships  (CARR) that she learned from her Realtor and real estate investor grandmother, who would say “Baby, a great CARR will take you everywhere you want to go!”  Lisa focuses her talents on helping women live powerfully by ensuring they garner the maximum lifestyle, security, and legacy benefits afforded by smart, principally aligned real estate sale, purchase, and collaboration.


IG @LisaBlackwellLiving