Jessenia Hernandez

Jessenia Hernandez

Jessenia Hernandez

Hello! I am an Illustrator based in Southern California. I studied Illustration at California State
University of Fullerton in 2020 and I have been freelancing ever since. The range of projects I
have worked on include coloring books, people/ pet portraits, podcast covers, and shirt designs,
amongst many others. I take a lot of inspiration from animals, stories, colors, and walks around
my neighborhood. I’m especially fond of drawing people’s pets!

I grew up in Santa Ana for much of my life. My parents immigrated from Mexico decades ago
and slowly adapted to their new home. I faced a lot of uncertainty in my childhood and spent a
lot of time on my own. Because of that I was able to develop and explore my interest in drawing.
Watching my favorite movies and TV shows inspired me to draw what i saw on screen. I would
trace over coloring books from My Littlest Pet Shop and make copies in lots of different colors.
My first sketchbook has drawings of my favorite animals and characters.

In my daily practice I like to keep a sketchbook and a journal with me. When it comes to
traditional media my favorite tools are pens, pencils, and colored pencils. I rely on Procreate on
the IPad for a lot of my digital drawings. I sometimes work with vectors, although there is a
much greater appeal for me to draw in freehand. During my walks I like to pick flowers or take
pictures of things that I can draw later. Sometimes it’s a scene of a setting sun, a fun building, a
neighborhood cat, or the different silhouettes of trees.

In my dreams I see myself working on illustration projects involving animals, people, nature, and
floral designs. I hope to further explore my artistic style in my daily practices by experimenting
with different tools. I also love to work with different media like ceramics and collage. There is
inspiration everywhere to be found and so many wonderful artists to look up to. I aspire to be
like my favorites, who make amazing work and inspire me to be better. Thank you for reading!