Jennifer Hirsch

Jennifer Hirsch

Jennifer Hirsch

Chief Enthusiast Officer | Marked Point

Jennifer Hirsch has always appreciated the power of a good story to move people.

As a little girl, she snuck books under the covers to answer her “Why” questions about the world. Today, she’s still asking “Why?” – and using the answers to build powerful movements through stories just like those she consumed endlessly as a child.

Armed with a Wharton MBA and over 15 years of experience working with companies of all sizes across the globe, Jenn is leading the movement to put the ‘human’ back into the most human institution on the planet – business – through storytelling.

From helping mission-driven founders solve big problems through her work at Marked Point to speaking and educating on the power of human-centric business, Jenn is paving the way for the future of business for good everyday, and she hopes that you’ll join her. Say hello and get involved at @jenniferjhirsch & @markedpoint