Inés Ybarra Arbaiza

Inés Ybarra Arbaiza

Inés Ybarra Arbaiza

Spain-born and events enthusiast Ines Ybarra has dedicated her career to empowering the
voices of others. As the first woman to be hired as a full-time employee at Swapcard, she now
sits as the Head of Events and Services, where she continues to push boundaries and promote
the company’s growth, leading the evolution of a team of 6 to a team of 45 dedicated
colleagues. Thanks to several past experiences, including being part of the AdoptUnMec team
and starting her own business, Ines has expanded her knowledge to best impact those she
works with. Today, Ines attributes her growth and motivation to those she has had the chance
to cross paths with, who have shown her the importance of values, ambition, and versatility.
She strives to be a role model every day and to continue empowering the brilliant minds of
women around her.