Emiliana Guereca

Emiliana Guereca

Emiliana Guereca

Emiliana Guereca is an activist, feminist, entrepreneur, and CEO of Women’s March Action which she founded in 2016. She is the driving force behind the 2017, 2018, and 2019 official Women’s Marches in Los Angeles and is currently gearing up for the January 2020 Women’s March.  Emiliana devotes much of her time to advocacy programs for women’s rights, Latino education, and gender equality and has served as the bridge between community organizations and coalition building that spans national levels.  Emiliana’s most recent endeavor includes launching Women’s March Sister Network, the 501c4 political arm of Women’s March.  Personally, Emiliana is proud to serve her Latin community and has also built roots in the Jewish community, as she raises her family in the Jewish faith. Emiliana has been awarded the National Women’s Political Caucus: Women of Courage Award 2019, the State of California: Pioneer Women of 2017 Award, the HOPE: Latina of the Year Award 2017, LA County: Pioneer Women of 2018, and the Pat Brown Institute: Civic Engagement Award 2018

Emiliana is currently working on Feminist Street Initiative, reclaiming our streets justice and historical memory which aims to recognize the contributions of Latinas in the naming of streets in their honor across the country. Dolores Huerta and Luisa Moreno are current street names in progress. 

Contact: press@womensmarchfoundation.org