DeeLeww Lewis

DeeLeww Lewis

DeeLeww Lewis

Meet DeeLeww, a innovative individual who has made her mark in multiple creative fields.
Hailing from Maryland, she graduated from Rutgers University and gained valuable experience
interning for Sony Music Entertainment and Madison Square Garden, before landing a job at
iHeartMedia. Her passion for music led her to become a music creative for the WNBA and the
Harlem Globetrotters, where she also served as Creative Director, showcasing her skills as a
visionary and leader. Recently, she founded her own creative agency, to raise consciousness by
bridging the gap between technology, health, music, film and literature, and exploring new
frontiers in the world of creative expression. Her debut book, A Short Read To Help You Grieve,
is the first release under the agency. DeeLeww hopes to inspire future generations to push
beyond their limits, create meaningful, impactful work and ALWAYS have fun.