Alana Esty

Alana Esty

Alana Esty

Senior Analyst | Health Analytic Insights

I am Alana, the host of the Health Analytic Insights podcast. I have my
master’s in biomedical engineering, and I am currently working in the
field of health informatics. When I graduated from university, I like many
of my peers had a rude awakening that just having a degree doesn’t
magically open the doors you want to enter. What followed was a long
and difficult two-year journey to attempt to find a job in my field. Along
the way I picked up on some impactful tips that helped me to pivot into
the health informatics field. I created this podcast to discover a
community of individuals who are passionate about the field of health
informatics and help them to get into the field quicker with actionable
and helpful tips